Overview of Stamps Watches Brand

The Stamps brand is a very original watch brand. It offers its users a new way of wearing a watch, of choosing it and above all of using it. Stamps, highlights a most surprising design and the ability to stick it absolutely everywhere.
It is a concept that saw the light of day in Switzerland a little over 14 years ago, in a very small village after a reflection on the modernization of jewelry and especially watches. This is how the company Timehouse Gmbh undertook this project after producing more than 10 million watches since its founding in 1997 in Hamburg.
It is therefore Mr. Andreas Schwenker and Peter Geschwind, who preluded this atypical collection of watches in the shape of stamps and adhesive at will. And it is with the ingenuity of the great Elmar Mock (one of the famous inventors of Swatch) that their company is so successful around the world.

How do I mount my Stamps watch?
With the ingenuity of Stamps engineers from Timehouse Gmbh, you don’t need any special tricks to assemble your watch and no complications with its system, since all you have to do is is to place your dial on top of your bracelet so that the two pair up automatically. You can, moreover, put your dial on any bracelet and on any surface by simply putting it down. Its adhesive system will do the rest.
All Stamps templates have this functionality. You can then diversify as easily and for as long as you want without ever having to worry about editing.

How do I change the battery in my Stamps watch?
The battery of a Stamps watch comes in a kit when you buy your watch or want to change it. So this is not just any battery you should use. You will then need to order it from Stamps. In this ready-to-use kit, you have the battery, but also a square that you will need to use to change it.
You must start by separating your dial from its bracelet. Then remove the silicone square behind the dial. Lift the round metal plate using a sharp tool. All you have to do is remove the battery and replace it with the new one.

Which batteries should I choose for my Stamps watch?
The batteries that you must use for the brand of your Stamps watch will not be the same as for other models of other brands. Stamp batteries are therefore special and are sold as a kit. You can get them in Stamps stores near you, or place an order on the Stamps site or specialized sales sites.
You can also change it very easily once you have received it. You can find how to do this in one of the previous FAQ questions in this article.

Top Strategies to Survive your Business in the Attention Economy

Today, every business is in constant competition for the most precious resource there is - attention .

And you compete with 24/7 news from around the world:

The last adventures of Kim Kardashian’s life,
The latest internet scandal,
Or with incessant flows of information filled with titles, each more enticing than the next.
If you want to be successful, you have to be aware of this particular new competitive landscape where videos of little kittens sit alongside serious political debates.

63% of marketers globally say generating traffic and leads is their number one challenge (source HubSpot).

10 years ago, if you wanted to increase traffic and leads , the formula was simple: publish more content.

Today, the equation is no longer so simple to capture attention .

After all, what are traffic and leads? Attention.
And what is ultimately rarer and more precious than attention?
These are precisely the words of David of Creative Copywriting whose activity focuses on the niche of copywriting .

David explains them to us, in this article, how to attract the attention of your target audience by working your content with care in order to win new customers. Sometime, most of us take help from the different brand development services from different agencies.

How to thrive in the new attention economy
To capture attention, there are mainly 8 fundamental elements that make content valuable even in a world where information is abundant.

All of these intangibles would make people pay for content.

While most marketers don’t ask for any payment in return, their primary demand is attention.

Therefore, any content, free or not, constitutes competition.

  1. Pediatrics: provide priority access and / or immediate delivery
    Capture attention by providing priority access and / or immediate delivery
    This is the model currently adopted (very effectively) by most online newspapers.

For example, Le Figaro offers subscriptions to be constantly up-to-date.

You receive a notification on the latest news.

This probably only works for people who want to be on the cutting edge and always up to date on a given topic.

However, it is very unlikely that companies will use this instantaneity to capture the attention of their target.

This is because most of a business’s actions aren’t based on breaking news, even though your marketing team might want it more.

  1. Personalization: publish content tailor-made for you
    Capture attention by personalizing - content tailored to you. Nothing in the attention economy of providing content specifically designed for a particular person. GiveAways also help us to spread your brand among the people or you can say that it is used to grab the attention to the customer.

While Artificial Intelligence makes it possible to provide personalized content, it is not yet quite at the stage of total personalization.

The best example of using personalization to create value is the development of niche content.

Content has become increasingly specialized over the past 5-10 years.

And it will probably continue in this direction.

There are marketing blogs, but also blogs that focus on:

B2B marketing ,
Marketing on Instagram,
See Marketing for Artists,
Or marketing for swimming pool companies…
Expect this trend of specialization to continue.

The appetite for generic content is decreasing more and more.

However, Internet users are still looking for specific, personal advice tailored to their needs.

It is a technique particularly suitable for companies that are embarking on Account Based Marketing to capture the attention of their strategic accounts.


Exercise physiologists tested the iWatch and found that accuracy was dependent on intensity level.

Fitness trackers are becoming more and more popular as everyone is interested in counting how many steps they took daily and how many calories they burned. But do they work just as well for people who use wheelchairs for mobility?

This is the question that researchers at the School of Exercise and Dietetics at San Diego State University set out to answer by comparing the devices to laboratory equipment designed to measure accurate caloric expenditure.

Exercise physiologist and associate professor Jochen Kresler and graduate student Daniel Moreno studied 15 non-disabled people and 15 wheelchair users who performed similar exercises on wheelchair treadmills called roller systems.

“Adaptive fitness is a workout for people with special needs, and they are just like everyone else, interested in knowing how many calories they burn,” said Kresler. “In the lab, we measure breathing gas intake to give accurate calorie counts with a portable metabolic cart, but fitness trackers are much easier to use, so we wanted to see if they provide an accurate measurement.”

He and Moreno found that at higher intensity levels - increased wheelchair impacts - the iWatch’s metabolic response measurements were more accurate, but at lower intensity levels the measurements were turned off.

Takeaway: Trackers are not well suited for wheelchair treadmills or hand cycles.

Please Note: Call for the poor and disabled to get NHS fitness trackers

The self-funded study was published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine in March.

Chairler noted that trackers count “steps” even if the user simply shakes one of them with his hand. “So the trackers don’t count actual steps or bumps, but actually measure acceleration in all three planes - up and down, back and forth, and side to side.”

Metabolic Response - which is the Chair’s area of ​​expertise - measures oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide emissions during breathing, which is then used to calculate caloric expenditure. It can help people decide how to change what they eat and how they exercise. Along with the iWatch, the participants in the trial wore a mask connected to a gas analyzer attached to their chest, connected wirelessly to a computer that analyzes the measurements.

Good to Know: The Best Smartwatches You Can Buy

Kresler and Moreno observed the two groups and found that there was no significant difference in how the smartwatch measured calories burned. for sets of 30, 45 and 60 stroke counts, so the results were pooled for both groups.

The tracker underestimated the calories burned on the treadmill but overestimated the calories burned on the arm cycle by an average of two to five kilocalories (kcal) in three minutes. Extrapolated to an hour of activity, which translates to a tracker underestimating about 40 to 100 calories per hour for a treadmill and about 20 to 60 calories for an arm cycle.

It all comes down to how important these measurements are to each user.

“I would not use it in a laboratory, but everyone has to decide for themselves,” said Kresler.

However, to get accurate measurements with the equipment he used, currently the only option is to go to health spas or physical physiology laboratories. Moving forward, he plans for people to wear the next generation iWatch and go about their normal day so that he can observe them in the field rather than in the laboratory.

Honestly Shared Words with your Partner for a Happy Life

Too many silences undermine daily privacy. But to say too much too… Can we learn to speak the same language? Focus on the art and the way of really communicating for two.

Why is it difficult
The subtle art of discussion
An example
Why it matters
The unspoken
How to do
Make an appointment to discuss
Why is it difficult

If they want to deepen their reciprocal knowledge and their intimacy, it is obvious that the partners must communicate”, affirms the psychologist and sexologist Yvon Dallaire, like all the specialists of the couple. But he adds: “The paradox is that the more we deepen thoughts and emotions by communicating them, the more we also increase for each one the probabilities of incomprehension, of interpretation and… of disappointment:” I would never have believed that you could think such a thing, I don’t recognize you anymore. And if I don’t recognize you anymore, if you’re not who I thought you were anymore, how can I continue to love you? ””

The subtle art of discussion
For Yvon Dallaire, discussion as a couple is therefore a subtle art. It is not enough to master the so-called rules of healthy communication (talking about how you feel about the behavior of the other rather than criticizing him, using the “I” rather than the “you”, etc.). Why ? Because what works in a professional or educational framework is, in romantic exchanges, parasitized by the dominant emotional charge. Caught in the relationship, the partners do not have the necessary distance that would allow them, unlike a therapist, to receive all the other’s words without judging them and without making them feel guilty.

An example
Thus, Virginie, 31, can say in vain, as a good connoisseur of the rules of communication: “I am not happy at the moment in this relationship”, her friend will never hear anything other than: “You do not make me happy. . Conversely, there are evenings when this one, also in his thirties, would gladly do without Virginie’s existential reflections, even if he knows how essential it is to be attentive …

The risk of misunderstanding between partners is all the more true since, as Yvon Dallaire underlines, “there is a different way of communicating according to the gender to which one belongs”, and, more generally, according to one’s personality and education. Imposing one’s own communication within the couple amounts to overestimating or minimizing the other’s needs in this matter.

Why it matters
Should we therefore favor silence in order to live a lasting relationship? Certainly not. Communicating is sharing, and sharing is precisely one of the couple’s reasons for being. “Speech is a space for exchange, for life, where partners come together to get to know each other better and recognize each other as a couple”, explains psychologist and psychotherapist Patrick Estrade. According to him, speaking has an undeniable power of reassurance: “If I speak to you, I reassure you since I prove to you that you exist in my eyes. ”

The unspoken
As for those who think that “when we love each other, we don’t need words to understand each other”, “these are, according to the sexologist Catherine Solano, those who end up landing in our offices, because by dint of unspoken words, they let each other’s frustrations and dissatisfactions undermine their relationship ”.

How to do
Don’t say it all. To communicate well, we must first accept the limits of this communication. “Communicating etymologically means exchanging information, and not pooling emotions, experiences or thoughts,” recalls psychologist and sexologist Yvon Dallaire. The waves of words, even if they do not drain reproaches, invade the space of the other. Vampirizers, they also have the effect of removing any mystery, source of desire. The key is therefore not so much the ability to say everything and hear everything, but the conviction that we could say everything to each other. A fundamental nuance since it suggests a bond based on trust.

Make an appointment to discuss
The one-on-one is an opportunity to approach with more hindsight certain difficulties or frustrations which, referred to “hot”, would risk aggravating an argument. But not only, because if there is one word that deserves to be exchanged without moderation within the couple, it is the one which notes the happiness of being together and the good things accomplished together. Often neglected over time, positive speech remains an excellent engine for happy couples.

7 Teaching Strategies to Facilitate Memorization for Arts Students

We are all thinking of new experiences - camping on the return trip by car, mistakes made in a game or the emotions felt by completing a long-term project that took months to complete.

I have presented below 15 strategies for students to reflect on their learning. Presenting each strategy from the start can help ensure the quality of the work you want to do over the course of the year, and students will learn from it.

  1. Share-Present
    A classic method of learning is to put students in pairs, then verbally “share” something that will help them learn new content, deepen their understanding or review what they already know. This method can also be used as a quick and summary assessment tool, since conversations generally reflect a level of understanding that the teacher can use to assess mastery and plan the next step in teaching. Even a teacher should also guide a students about the arts & crafts goods.

  2. Phrase primers of synthesis
    Leader phrases are great because they are like training wheels - or, if you mix the metaphors, tools to train students to think and speak according to certain patterns. For example, you can implore students to “think critically”, but if they don’t even have the basic wording of critical thinking (for example, “It’s important because …”), thinking criticism will be beyond their reach.

  3. Content in several levels
    Multi-level text is something I have wanted to write about for years, but I never did. Multilevel content is a digital document filled with hyperlinks that allow you to pass almost any information: The questions that students ask themselves, the possibilities of deepening, unusual references and allusions that reflect the diagram used by students to make sense, etc.

By adding “levels” of meaning to a text through meaningful hyperlinks, students can think of anything, from a pre-assessment text that has demonstrated their lack of understanding, to a kind of ” tracking ‘what they learned, when and where.

  1. Tweet
    140 characters force students to think quickly and precisely, which is ideal for short moments of reflection or hesitant writers who find it difficult to produce relevant notes or write essays. In fact, you can combine twitter with the number 6 for exit records.

  2. The 3-2-1 method
    3-2-1 is an effective method of framing everything from pair- writing to writing (for example, have students write three things they think they know, two things they know they don’t know and one thing they know for certain on a pre-assessment and post-assessment (for example, list three ways your writing reflects mastery of skill X, two ways skill Y still needs to be improved and a way to reinforce your argument in the next five minutes) and to reflect on the post-assessment.

  3. Exit sheets
    They can be called exit sheets or end of course tickets. Asking students to leave a brief learning residue - a thought, a definition, a question - is a powerful teaching strategy even what kind of pencils should used by the students. In fact, “output sheet teaching” literally determines how I use data in the classroom. Asking students to leave a little reflection on the learning process in a chair near the door when leaving is a simple solution.

Some examples ?

How did you react emotionally to a problem you faced today?
What surprised you most about ___?
How has your understanding of _ changed today?
What about ___ that still makes you confused or curious?
7. Write about…
I like the easy ways for students to write asynchronously and collaboratively. And the writing fragments that students use don’t need to be synthesized: vocabulary and key phrases can help students think, but more importantly, as part of a writing exercise, they allow students to learn from each other because each of them is able to read the other answers before creating their own.

