Today, every business is in constant competition for the most precious resource there is - attention .
And you compete with 24/7 news from around the world:
The last adventures of Kim Kardashian’s life,
The latest internet scandal,
Or with incessant flows of information filled with titles, each more enticing than the next.
If you want to be successful, you have to be aware of this particular new competitive landscape where videos of little kittens sit alongside serious political debates.
63% of marketers globally say generating traffic and leads is their number one challenge (source HubSpot).
10 years ago, if you wanted to increase traffic and leads , the formula was simple: publish more content.
Today, the equation is no longer so simple to capture attention .
After all, what are traffic and leads? Attention.
And what is ultimately rarer and more precious than attention?
These are precisely the words of David of Creative Copywriting whose activity focuses on the niche of copywriting .
David explains them to us, in this article, how to attract the attention of your target audience by working your content with care in order to win new customers. Sometime, most of us take help from the different brand development services from different agencies.
How to thrive in the new attention economy
To capture attention, there are mainly 8 fundamental elements that make content valuable even in a world where information is abundant.
All of these intangibles would make people pay for content.
While most marketers don’t ask for any payment in return, their primary demand is attention.
Therefore, any content, free or not, constitutes competition.
Pediatrics: provide priority access and / or immediate delivery
Capture attention by providing priority access and / or immediate delivery
This is the model currently adopted (very effectively) by most online newspapers.
For example, Le Figaro offers subscriptions to be constantly up-to-date.
You receive a notification on the latest news.
This probably only works for people who want to be on the cutting edge and always up to date on a given topic.
However, it is very unlikely that companies will use this instantaneity to capture the attention of their target.
This is because most of a business’s actions aren’t based on breaking news, even though your marketing team might want it more.
Personalization: publish content tailor-made for you
Capture attention by personalizing - content tailored to you. Nothing in the attention economy of providing content specifically designed for a particular person. GiveAways also help us to spread your brand among the people or you can say that it is used to grab the attention to the customer.
While Artificial Intelligence makes it possible to provide personalized content, it is not yet quite at the stage of total personalization.
The best example of using personalization to create value is the development of niche content.
Content has become increasingly specialized over the past 5-10 years.
And it will probably continue in this direction.
There are marketing blogs, but also blogs that focus on:
B2B marketing ,
Marketing on Instagram,
See Marketing for Artists,
Or marketing for swimming pool companies…
Expect this trend of specialization to continue.
The appetite for generic content is decreasing more and more.
However, Internet users are still looking for specific, personal advice tailored to their needs.
It is a technique particularly suitable for companies that are embarking on Account Based Marketing to capture the attention of their strategic accounts.