Sudden drop in vision, photophobia or blackheads … A visual symptom should never be taken lightly. In addition to routine exams, here are the signs that should motivate you to consult a specialist with Dr Christophe Orssaud, ophthalmologist at the European Georges-Pompidou Hospital in Paris.
Eye problems: worrying symptoms
General practitioner, ophthalmologist, emergencies: who to consult in case of vision problems?
Eye diseases: people at risk
Eyesight problem worrying signs
At the ophthalmologist, 3 out of 10 glasses request consultations are an opportunity to discover a pathology. Eye disorders should not be taken lightly. Doctissimo explains the signs that should worry you and how to react thanks to Dr Christophe Orssaud, ophthalmologist at the European Georges-Pompidou hospital in Paris.
Eye problems: worrying symptoms
These are mainly sudden visual phenomena that should alert such as:
A sudden drop in visual acuity which can be linked to a detachment of the retina;
A vascular disease ;
A hemorrhage in a diabetic patient ;
The deformation of the lines or “metamorphopsies” which evokes AMD (age-related macular degeneration);
A photophobia makes exposure to light uncomfortable, even painful, especially in the lens port of complications (infections);
The appearance of ” flying flies ” or black dots , very frequent, but which can signal a hole in the retina in very rare cases, causing detachment of the retina ;
The fact of seeing double abruptly ( diplopia ) can evoke a neurological problem, vascular ( stroke ), a head and neck cancer …
General practitioner, ophthalmologist, emergencies: who to consult in case of vision problems?
A dry eye due to lifestyle (pollution, screens), a conjunctivitis bacterial, viral or allergic accompanied by purulent secretions or not (pruritus) are pathologies that can be supported by a general practitioner .
If you suffer from a sudden visual phenomenon , do not hesitate to go directly to the emergency room if your ophthalmologist cannot receive you immediately. Early care can prevent blindness.
In case of shock or trauma to the eye, it is also necessary to go to the emergency room .
Eye diseases: people at risk
Some people are more likely to have eye disease:
The diabetes may develop retinopathy with diabetes treated badly;
The cardiovascular risk individuals ( cholesterol , overweight , etc.);
Patients whose parent has had glaucoma .
Age is also a risk factor. Thus, children under the age of 3 must be closely monitored and seen at least once by a specialist before entering kindergarten. Between the ages of 20 and 45 , there is no point in consulting if all is well. For people whose eyesight is corrected by glasses or lenses, it is advisable to consult every 5 years. After age 65 , one examination per year is required.